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Edmonton’s City Plan, Charter Bylaw 20,000 was approved by City Council on December 7, 2020.

Moving Forward with Focus

Discover the City Plan.

The City Plan charts out how we will get to a future city, a city that has the benefits we enjoy today with new opportunities for the future. The City Plan is about our spaces and places and how we move around the city. It is about our community and what we need to do together to grow, adapt and succeed.

The City Plan combines a Municipal Development Plan and Transportation Master Plan, and includes strategic direction in environmental planning, social planning and economic development.

It comprehensively replaces The Ways documents by setting strategic direction for the way Edmonton grows, its mobility systems, open spaces, employment and social networks, generally touching on most aspects of life in Edmonton.

Draft City Plan (43MB)

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City Plan (38MB)

Thumbnail image of the cover of the City Plan document.What choices do we need to make to be a healthy, urban and climate resilient city of two million people that supports a prosperous region?


City Plan Maps

Thumbnail image of the City Plan Maps docment.View all Maps associated with The City Plan.

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