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COVID-19 Update

Updated June 23, 2021
The City of Edmonton and CSU 52 have reached mutual agreement on a Letter of Understanding (LOU) that, subject to eligibility, will enable an Interim Work From Home Arrangement for CSU 52 employees effective until December 31, 2021. This is an interim arrangement that will be in place while the City and CSU 52 continue to work towards negotiating a formal remote work program.

Updated April 14, 2021
CUPE 30, CSU 52 and ATU have signed a renewed Temporary Layoff Letter of Understanding (LOU) that extends the City’s ability to retain employees temporarily laid off due to COVID-19 until April 30, 2021. This agreement prevents the permanent layoff of approximately 1600 employees on January 31, 2021.

Updated July 31, 2020
An updated Letter of Understanding about Temporary Layoffs has been reached between The City of Edmonton (the “City”) and Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30; Civic Service Union 52; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 1007; Edmonton Fire Fighters Union; Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569 and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569, DATS Unit (collectively, the “Unions”). 

Updated April 14, 2021
An updated Letter of Understanding about Temporary Layoffs has been reached between The City of Edmonton (the “City”) and Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30 and Civic Service Union 52(collectively, the “Unions”).

The March 2020 Letter of Understanding about redeployment has expired and was not reviewed as redeployment requirements have slowed. The City and the Unions agreed that there will be no change to the terms of employment for staff currently redeployed.


Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU 569)

Amalgamated Transit Union 569 (DATS Unit), 2018-2021 Collective Agreement
Representing employees/drivers engaged in the Disabled Adult Transit Service (DATS).

Amalgamated Transit Union 569, 2018-2020 Collective Agreement
Representing employees engaged in the operation, service and maintenance of the public transit system.

Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 30)

Representing employees who perform construction, maintenance and public works duties within various civic departments.

Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30, 2019-2020 Collective Agreement

Civic Service Union (CSU 52)

 Representing office employees engaged in clerical, secretarial and technical duties throughout the civic service.

Civic Service Union 52, 2018-2020 Collective Agreement  

Civic Service Union 52, 2018-2020 Alphabetic Wage Schedules

Edmonton Fire Fighters' Union

Representing employees who are assigned to fire protection, investigation, inspection and support services for the City of Edmonton.

Edmonton Fire Fighters' Union Collective Agreement

Edmonton Fire Fighters' Supplemental Pension Guide

Edmonton Police Association

Edmonton Police Association 2018-2020 Collective Agreement
Representing police officers filling Constable, Detective, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant ranks with the Edmonton Police Service.

Edmonton Police Service Senior Officers' Association 2018-2020 Collective Agreement
Representing employees filling Superintendent and Inspector ranks with the Edmonton Police Service.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1007

Representing employees engaged in the installation, construction, maintenance, repair or operation of electrical or communications equipment for various civic departments.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1007, 2019-2021 Collective Agreement

For More Information

Cheryl Sperling

Title Labour Relations Assistant



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