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Council Public Hearing Update
The public hearings for the draft Exhibition Lands Planning Framework (12MB) took place on November 3 and 5, 2020 and the framework received first and second readings (refer to Items 3.12-3.17).

The framework received third reading on March 15, 2021 (refer to items 7.7-7.12) and is now approved.

A Major Opportunity

The Edmonton Exhibition Lands represents a major redevelopment opportunity in one of northeast Edmonton’s core neighbourhoods.

At 200 acres, Exhibition Lands is the City’s second-largest urban infill site. Its premier location close to downtown, LRT and transit, the river valley, a vibrant park area and green space amenities makes this a prime opportunity for Edmonton and its big ideas.

The City has finalized the vision for the future of the area. The Edmonton Exhibition Lands Planning Framework will help bring this vision to life.

Learn more about our public engagement activities.

Exhibition Lands Study Area

About the Project


Initiation Phase

This phase consisted of several sub-phases that covered project initiation, technical analyses (transportation, servicing, context, opportunities and constraints) and early public and stakeholder engagement.

Guiding principles for the redevelopment were created and shared with Edmontonians and stakeholders for feedback. The principles were then refined and reviewed by City Council. 

During this phase, an expanded scope was developed and is reflected in the subsequent phases described below.

These initial activities were completed by the start of the second quarter of 2018.

Phase 1: Idea Generation

This phase included both a formal procurement process and a public process to seek a broad spectrum of ideas for the Edmonton Exhibition Lands. Edmontonians and other stakeholders were invited to review the ideas submitted and provide input into future redevelopment scenarios.
This phase was completed in the second quarter of 2018.

Phase 2: Due Diligence

This phase collected all the ideas submitted to the City and reviewed them by looking at feasibility and alignment with project principles and other City priorities.
This work was completed in the second quarter of 2018.

Phase 3: Development of Concept Scenarios 

This phase drew on ideas, guiding principles, evaluation criteria and economic analysis to generate preliminary development scenarios. Edmontonians and other stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on the scenarios.
This work was completed in the latter part of the second quarter of 2018.

Phase 4: Refinement of a Preferred Concept and Policy Directions

This phase saw more refinement of the economic and strategic analysis of the development scenarios in order to arrive at a preferred redevelopment concept for the Edmonton Exhibition Lands Planning Framework. Policy directions were also be developed to support the concept’s implementation.

Edmontonians and other stakeholders had an opportunity to provide feedback on a preferred working concept and draft policy directions in the second quarter of 2019. 
This work was completed in the third quarter of 2019.

Phase 5: Finalize

A public engagement event was held on January 23, 2020 at the Bellevue Community League. This engagement session was the final opportunity to provide feedback to the City before the proposed framework went to public hearing for a decision.  This What We Heard Report summarizes the feedback received from the public and was shared with City Council.

Council Public Hearing Update

The public hearings for the draft Exhibition Lands Planning Framework (12MB) took place on November 3 and 5, 2020 and the framework received first and second readings (refer to Items 3.12-3.17).

The framework received third reading on March 15, 2021 (refer to items 7.7-7.12) and is now approved.

Planner: Jeff Booth
Phone: 780-496-5672 or email:

View the public engagement activities for the Exhibition Lands.

Project History

July 2019

The City hosts public engagement events and several workshops to review the Preferred Land Use Concept and to provide direction for the Planning Framework.

April 30, 2019

City Council endorses a report outlining a preferred working concept for the Edmonton Exhibition Lands. Administration begins planning to engage the public on the preferred working concept and draft policy directions. 

April 1, 2019

The City takes ownership of the Northlands Casino, Racetrack and associated facilities.

January 31, 2019

Northlands Casino closes. 

October 2018

The Northlands Racetrack officially closes. Horse racing moves to Century Mile Entertainment Centre near Edmonton International Airport.

September 18, 2018

Edmontonians participate in two public workshops to provide feedback on preliminary redevelopment concept scenarios. 

August 25, 2018

The final season of horse racing at Northlands wraps up with the 89th running of the Canadian Derby.

June 21, 2018

The City hosts two public workshops to review ideas submitted during the public call. Participants review idea themes and propose potential combinations that might work to inform the creation of redevelopment scenarios.

June 19, 2018

A summary of ideas and themes from the open call is presented to Urban Planning Committee.

April 10 - May 7, 2018

During the open call for Big Ideas for the Edmonton Exhibition Lands, the City receives 104 submissions from Edmontonians and stakeholders via web portal, Requests for Expressions of Interest and unsolicited proposals.  

April 9, 2018

The City launches an open call for Big Ideas for the Edmonton Exhibition Lands. Edmontonians area invited to submit their ideas for all 200 acres of the project area through a request for proposals or public web portal. 

April 3, 2018

Following engagement in which Administration received input from over 2300 responses and interactions with the public, Urban Planning Committee endorses guiding principles for the project. 

March 20, 2018

City Council decides to terminate a sponsorship agreement between the City and Oilers Entertainment Group. This decision means the Coliseum building will be permanently closed with no future reuse and no repurposing of the facility. This decision opens up an opportunity for redevelopment north of 118 Avenue. 

February 22 and 27, 2018

City administration takes a report to Executive Committee on February 22 outlining the pros, cons and risks to the City to redevelop the Coliseum site (16 acres north 118 Avenue). On February 27, 2018, the report goes to City Council. 

January 1, 2018

The Coliseum building is closed and operations of the EXPO Centre is transferred to Edmonton Economic Development Corporation.

December 5, 2017

City Council approves the following: 

  • an expanded strategic approach to the Edmonton Exhibition Lands planning work, including enhanced technical work and public and stakeholder engagement in recognition of the magnitude of the city-building opportunity
  • transfer of the EXPO Centre from Northlands to the City - operations and management by Edmonton Economic Development Corporation effective January 1, 2018
  • phased transition of remaining Northlands site operations, including the casino and racetrack, throughout 2018 and finalized by the end of 2018 (Horse Racing Alberta and Northlands subsequently requested an extension of operations into 2019)
  • In addition, Northlands agrees to continue to operate K-Days and Farmfair International on the Exhibition Lands site for up to five years, with a possibility of extension

June 12, 2017

As part of the public launch of the project, the City hosts the first two public open houses on the Coliseum Station Area Redevelopment Plan (now known as the Edmonton Exhibition Lands Planning Framework).

Late 2016

Northlands announces it will close the racetrack and casino.

Early 2014

City identifies Coliseum Station area as a priority for transit-oriented development planning.


What We Heard Report Five

Key takeaways from phase five of the concept development.

What We Heard Report Four

Key takeaways from phase four of the concept development.

What We Heard Report Three

Key takeaways from phase three of the concept development.

What We Heard Report Two

Key takeaways from phase three of the redevelopment plan.

What We Heard Report One

Key takeaways from the two public open houses.

Exhibition Lands Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles for the Exhibition Lands redevelopment project.

Exhibition Lands Historical Report

Historical report of the Edmonton Exhibition Lands.

Economic Analysis of Redevelopment Options

Economic analysis of redevelopment options for the Edmonton Exhibition Lands.

Issues and Opportunities Brief

Summarizes the technical analyses completed as part of Phase 2 of Edmonton’s Exhibition Lands Redevelopment.


These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) cover a broad range of topics that provide more detailed information for some of the most often asked questions by Edmontonians about what's happening at Edmonton's Exhibition Lands.

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Edmonton Exhibition Lands


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