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The new Duggan Bridge is expected to open in late 2021. Some minor finishing work and the landscaping will be done in spring 2022.

Project Update - February 2021

Demolition of the Duggan Bridge structure is now complete. Construction of the new bridge has begun, starting with work to prepare the site for construction equipment and setup.

Despite the unusual weather of the last few months, the project is progressing as planned and is on schedule.

The City thanks all travellers for their patience as we complete this vital work.

Project History

Duggan Bridge is located on Saskatchewan Drive between 106 and 107 Streets. It is a single 54 metre span concrete arch (circa 1958) that carries 2 lanes of traffic and sidewalks on both sides over Fort Hill Road.

Previous rehabilitation work was completed in 1997, 2000, 2006 and 2018 to ensure the bridge was safe for all users. A bridge condition assessment was undertaken in 2018 which recommended that the bridge be replaced before 2023.

Bridge Design

The current scope of engineering work includes the design and construction for the replacement of the Duggan Bridge, and the road rehabilitation of Saskatchewan Drive from 106 Street to 107 Street. The detailed design of the bridge and road was completed in fall 2020.

The new bridge will be a single span with steel girders supporting a concrete deck. The bridge will carry the same 2 lanes of traffic with a sidewalk to the south. The sidewalk on the north will be changed to a 4.2 metre wide shared-use path. A pedestrian lookout will be constructed as part of the bridge. 

Bridge Construction

The pedestrian and vehicular connections along Saskatchewan Drive will be affected during construction. Bridge and road closures, including trails and sidewalks on both Saskatchewan Drive and Fort Hill Road, are expected.

Some boulevard trees near the bridge and native vegetation below the bridge will be removed for construction. The native vegetation will be replaced. Boulevard tree replacements may be affected by new below ground services.

Project History

Construction Update - December 2020

Work on the Duggan Bridge replacement began on Monday December 21, 2020.

Construction activities such as surveying and some tree removals will take place before the bridge is removed and replaced. Bridge and road closures, including trails and sidewalks on both Saskatchewan Drive and Fort Hill Road, will also occur. 

Saskatchewan Drive will be closed between 106 and 107 Streets. Local access will be maintained. Information on closures and detours for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles is available on the map.

The City thanks all travellers for their patience as we complete this vital work.

aerial view of Duggan detourssee larger view

Project Update - October 2020

Tree clearing and pruning along Saskatchewan Drive started on October 19, 2020 to prepare for the new, wider bridge. This allowed for a wider shared-use path on the north side of the new bridge.

Once construction has been completed, the site will be restored to match the surrounding natural areas of the North Saskatchewan River Valley. After the existing vegetation has been removed, the existing soils will be stripped off and stored during construction. These soils will be placed back on the site and a carefully selected mixture of trees and shrubs will be planted to re-establish the native vegetation and help to stabilize the soils at the site.

aerial map of tree removal areaview larger map

For More Information

Jim Murray




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